Over a decade of hard work, an incredible client-base, and an expanding portfolio of engaging projects.
Each of our team members brings a unique skillset to our work, enabling us to offer a diverse range of services, and deliver unique, tailored results. We want to showcase some of the work that we are both honoured to have been a part of, and proud to have completed.
Healing One Another
While GIS and mapping tends to focus on land itself, there is so much more to preserving culture and history than just analyzing these features – the stories are just as important. Working closely with Agency One Lands and Mitaanjigamiing First Nation, we have created a video that pays homage to the stories and lives of the residential school and day school survivors that features their powerful healing journeys.
This project is titled Nanaandawe’iditaa, meaning “Let’s Heal One Another” in Ojibwe, which is exactly what this work aims to achieve. It has been a privilege to help create a platform for these survivors, and we are so grateful for the trust in documenting these experiences and stories to contribute to the shared goal of healing for the future.
Healing One Another
While GIS and mapping tends to focus on land itself, there is so much more to preserving culture and history than just analyzing these features – the stories are just as important. Working closely with Agency One Lands and Mitaanjigamiing First Nation, we have created a video that pays homage to the stories and lives of the residential school and day school survivors that features their powerful healing journeys.
This project is titled Nanaandawe’iditaa, meaning “Let’s Heal One Another” in Ojibwe, which is exactly what this work aims to achieve. It has been a privilege to help create a platform for these survivors, and we are so grateful for the trust in documenting these experiences and stories to contribute to the shared goal of healing for the future.
Emergency Management & Infrastructure Mapping
Nokiiwin Tribal Council
We partnered with Nokiiwin Tribal Council to carry out within their 5 member communities that will identify key systems and structures within them, as well as draw attention to any gaps that exist with regards to emergency services. Through engagement, this work documented common concerns, values vulnerable to climate-change events, and emergency planning considerations amongst their respective memberships. At the close of the project, Nokiiwin and each member community will have a comprehensive emergency management toolkit that includes information on flood and fire risks, infrastructure data, and Next Generation 911 resources. The project marks the start of improved, efficient emergency response, and helps build the foundation for more targeted initiatives.
Emergency Management & Infrastructure Mapping
Nokiiwin Tribal Council
We partnered with Nokiiwin Tribal Council to carry out within their 5 member communities that will identify key systems and structures within them, as well as draw attention to any gaps that exist with regards to emergency services. Through engagement, this work documented common concerns, values vulnerable to climate-change events, and emergency planning considerations amongst their respective memberships. At the close of the project, Nokiiwin and each member community will have a comprehensive emergency management toolkit that includes information on flood and fire risks, infrastructure data, and Next Generation 911 resources. The project marks the start of improved, efficient emergency response, and helps build the foundation for more targeted initiatives.
Community Burial Site Mapping & Protection
Lac Seul First Nation
CES is supporting Lac Seul First Nation as the community embarks on an extremely important gravesite mapping initiative determined to locate, assess, and protect burial grounds. In this project, Elder testimony gathered during engagement sessions was combined with historical data to inform a map of locations that would be later ground truthed with a survey-grade GPS, and further examined using both LiDAR and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology. The results are detailed sub-surface models called radargrams that help to identify potential disturbances underground, and thus potential gravesites. As the project continues, this important work will look at the future of these sites and how they can be best protected.
Community Burial Site Mapping & Protection
Lac Seul First Nation
CES is supporting Lac Seul First Nation as the community embarks on an extremely important gravesite mapping initiative determined to locate, assess, and protect burial grounds. In this project, Elder testimony gathered during engagement sessions was combined with historical data to inform a map of locations that would be later ground truthed with a survey-grade GPS, and further examined using both LiDAR and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technology. The results are detailed sub-surface models called radargrams that help to identify potential disturbances underground, and thus potential gravesites. As the project continues, this important work will look at the future of these sites and how they can be best protected.
Emergency Management & Infrastructure Mapping
Grand Council Treaty #3
We partnered with Grand Council Treaty #3 on a territory-wide project to identify key existing systems and structures within Treaty #3 communities and draw attention to any gaps in emergency services. The work included both 911 & infrastructure mapping, as well as engagement with membership to document their experiences or concerns with emergency management and community values that could be at-risk in the face of an extreme climate event. Having this information documented will contribute to a treaty wide 911 mapping initiative, while also guiding future services and initiatives within each community. At the close of the project, GCT #3 and each participating community will have a comprehensive emergency management toolkit that includes information on flood and fire risks, infrastructure data, and Next Generation 911 resources.
Emergency Management & Infrastructure Mapping
Grand Council Treaty #3
We partnered with Grand Council Treaty #3 on a territory-wide project to identify key existing systems and structures within Treaty #3 communities and draw attention to any gaps in emergency services. The work included both 911 & infrastructure mapping, as well as engagement with membership to document their experiences or concerns with emergency management and community values that could be at-risk in the face of an extreme climate event. Having this information documented will contribute to a treaty wide 911 mapping initiative, while also guiding future services and initiatives within each community. At the close of the project, GCT #3 and each participating community will have a comprehensive emergency management toolkit that includes information on flood and fire risks, infrastructure data, and Next Generation 911 resources.
Flood Vulnerability Study
Grand Council Treaty #3
Grand Council Treaty #3, in partnership with CES, embarked on a Flood Vulnerability Study that identified the historical and potential impacts of flooding on a territorial level. Eleven communities participated in the study, which included traditional knowledge gathering, drone imagery collection, and capacity building. This large-scale study will not only support each individual community through future planning and development, but also provide GCT #3 with a resource that they can use for vital watershed management. Upon completion of the study, there are opportunities for each participating community to take on an Adaptation Strategy, a second phase that will outline mitigation approaches and actionable steps to take towards protecting their vulnerable values.
Flood Vulnerability Study
Grand Council Treaty #3
Grand Council Treaty #3, in partnership with CES, embarked on a Flood Vulnerability Study that identified the historical and potential impacts of flooding on a territorial level. Eleven communities participated in the study, which included traditional knowledge gathering, drone imagery collection, and capacity building. This large-scale study will not only support each individual community through future planning and development, but also provide GCT #3 with a resource that they can use for vital watershed management. Upon completion of the study, there are opportunities for each participating community to take on an Adaptation Strategy, a second phase that will outline mitigation approaches and actionable steps to take towards protecting their vulnerable values.
Daycare Feasibility Study
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
CES worked with Mitaanjigamiing First Nation to develop a feasibility study that will bring forward accessible and culturally relevant childcare options for community members. The community recognized a need for local facilities after engaging with members through the completion of their Land Use Plan. With the on-reserve population expected to grow, and the closest childcare facility being a 45-minute drive away in Fort Frances, childcare may not be a possibility for some families. As project managers, our team worked towards securing the necessary funding that is now helping to identify potential sites, as well as develop community-driven designs that will guide the project forward through construction and day-to-day management.
Daycare Feasibility Study
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
CES worked with Mitaanjigamiing First Nation to develop a feasibility study that will bring forward accessible and culturally relevant childcare options for community members. The community recognized a need for local facilities after engaging with members through the completion of their Land Use Plan. With the on-reserve population expected to grow, and the closest childcare facility being a 45-minute drive away in Fort Frances, childcare may not be a possibility for some families. As project managers, our team worked towards securing the necessary funding that is now helping to identify potential sites, as well as develop community-driven designs that will guide the project forward through construction and day-to-day management.
Traditional Land Use & Climate Change Study
Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek
The Traditional Land Use and Climate Change Study combined community knowledge with environmental data to assess how the lands and values of Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek might be shaped by natural or anthropogenic causes in the future. The traditional land use study identified and catalogued community activities on the land throughout history to support the community’s ongoing land claim, while the climate change study documented and recorded the historical and potential future impacts of flooding. The climate change component will provide the foundation for an Adaptation Strategy that In collaborating on so many amazing initiatives, our team is able to see firsthand how projects that streamline future planning can support one another.
Traditional Land Use & Climate Change Study
Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek
The Traditional Land Use and Climate Change Study combined community knowledge with environmental data to assess how the lands and values of Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek might be shaped by natural or anthropogenic causes in the future. The traditional land use study identified and catalogued community activities on the land throughout history to support the community’s ongoing land claim, while the climate change study documented and recorded the historical and potential future impacts of flooding. The climate change component will provide the foundation for an Adaptation Strategy that In collaborating on so many amazing initiatives, our team is able to see firsthand how projects that streamline future planning can support one another.
Nibi Portal
Grand Council Treaty #3
CES worked together with Decolonizing Water, The Territorial Planning Unit, and The Women’s Council, to develop a portal that explores the principles behind the Nibi Declaration of Treaty #3 and shares the importance of following Manito Aki Inakonigaawin. The Nibi Portal is a place to showcase stories, songs, and artwork from across the Nation, and help disseminate the knowledge and teachings nibi provides us with.
Visit the portal here
Nibi Portal
Grand Council Treaty #3
CES worked together with Decolonizing Water, The Territorial Planning Unit, and The Women’s Council, to develop a portal that explores the principles behind the Nibi Declaration of Treaty #3 and shares the importance of following Manito Aki Inakonigaawin. The Nibi Portal is a place to showcase stories, songs, and artwork from across the Nation, and help disseminate the knowledge and teachings nibi provides us with.
Visit the portal here
Climate Change & Risk Assessment
Missanabie Cree First Nation
This project saw the creation of tools and resources to support Missanabie Cree First Nation in developing their community sustainably, with a clear understanding of potential climate risks and mitigation strategies for protecting their values. With a history of forced displacement, the project also encouraged effective future planning that would see the return of membership to their homelands. Community engagement led the project, with 20 Elders and Knowledge Holders sharing values to inform the study, and brought new perspectives to the challenges that MCFN families have faced over the last century. We look forward to continuing our working relationship with this resilient community, and hope to support their team with community mapping and development activities in the future.
Climate Change & Risk Assessment
Missanabie Cree First Nation
This project saw the creation of tools and resources to support Missanabie Cree First Nation in developing their community sustainably, with a clear understanding of potential climate risks and mitigation strategies for protecting their values. With a history of forced displacement, the project also encouraged effective future planning that would see the return of membership to their homelands. Community engagement led the project, with 20 Elders and Knowledge Holders sharing values to inform the study, and brought new perspectives to the challenges that MCFN families have faced over the last century. We look forward to continuing our working relationship with this resilient community, and hope to support their team with community mapping and development activities in the future.
Health Transformation
Grand Council Treaty #3
Working together with Grand Council Treaty #3, health organizations, as well as federal and provincial levels of government, CES gathered healthcare data related to facilities, programs, forest fires, boil water advisories, and other relevant information. Using our mapping platform, MapAki, we created an interactive web-based tool that presents updated information intuitively, allowing for a clear understanding of health resources, and gaps in service across the territory. Our continued work on this initiative has been focused on engaging key staff at the territorial and community level about their existing healthcare services and facilities, and organizing feedback that will inform a list of critical service improvements to be made.
Health Transformation
Grand Council Treaty #3
Working together with Grand Council Treaty #3, health organizations, as well as federal and provincial levels of government, CES gathered healthcare data related to facilities, programs, forest fires, boil water advisories, and other relevant information. Using our mapping platform, MapAki, we created an interactive web-based tool that presents updated information intuitively, allowing for a clear understanding of health resources, and gaps in service across the territory. Our continued work on this initiative has been focused on engaging key staff at the territorial and community level about their existing healthcare services and facilities, and organizing feedback that will inform a list of critical service improvements to be made.
Fibre Feasibility Study
Couchiching First Nation
CES was excited to take on a feasibility study to help Couchiching First Nation identify internet connectivity gaps in the community, as well as determine the logistics and options for the installation of fibre optic infrastructure. Our team helped evaluate the benefits, timeline, costs, and key components of developing a fibre network within the community. With the lasting effects of COVID-19 unknown, this study will support an increasingly digital future for the members of Couchiching First Nation.
Fibre Feasibility Study
Couchiching First Nation
CES was excited to take on a feasibility study to help Couchiching First Nation identify internet connectivity gaps in the community, as well as determine the logistics and options for the installation of fibre optic infrastructure. Our team helped evaluate the benefits, timeline, costs, and key components of developing a fibre network within the community. With the lasting effects of COVID-19 unknown, this study will support an increasingly digital future for the members of Couchiching First Nation.
Drone Training
Nokiiwin Tribal Council
CES trained key staff from Nokiiwin Tribal Council member communities in a comprehensive Remotely Piloted Aircraft System training course. The training was designed to provide participants with a range of skills that can help their communities with informed decision-making, developing emergency management processes, as well as assist them personally with increased employability through internal capacity building. As drone technology continues to expand its capabilities, our team understands the value of having staff trained in the safe and successful operations of these advanced pieces of equipment.
Drone Training
Nokiiwin Tribal Council
CES trained key staff from Nokiiwin Tribal Council member communities in a comprehensive Remotely Piloted Aircraft System training course. The training was designed to provide participants with a range of skills that can help their communities with informed decision-making, developing emergency management processes, as well as assist them personally with increased employability through internal capacity building. As drone technology continues to expand its capabilities, our team understands the value of having staff trained in the safe and successful operations of these advanced pieces of equipment.
Traditional Occupancy Study
Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek
We supported Rocky Bay as they continued the process of gathering historical community knowledge and oral histories from their membership. By documenting this irreplaceable knowledge through mapping and storytelling, the community has quick access to their database of knowledge, and can use it in future initiatives, as well as to support legal claims and settlements.
Traditional Occupancy Study
Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek
We supported Rocky Bay as they continued the process of gathering historical community knowledge and oral histories from their membership. By documenting this irreplaceable knowledge through mapping and storytelling, the community has quick access to their database of knowledge, and can use it in future initiatives, as well as to support legal claims and settlements.
Language Revitalization
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
A little bit of creativity and the power of language were combined to create a community calendar, as well as a spoken word video database to help youth and members learn or brush up on their knowledge of the Ojibway language. The calendar was re-instated for a second year in 2023, and the project was expanded upon by the inclusion of documenting traditional teachings that members wanted to share with the younger generations in their community.
Language Revitalization
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
A little bit of creativity and the power of language were combined to create a community calendar, as well as a spoken word video database to help youth and members learn or brush up on their knowledge of the Ojibway language. The calendar was re-instated for a second year in 2023, and the project was expanded upon by the inclusion of documenting traditional teachings that members wanted to share with the younger generations in their community.
Resource Map
Grand Council Treaty #3
Using existing datasets gathered from local industry, as well as territorial, provincial, and municipal governments, CES designed an interactive tool for resource management and allocation within Treaty #3. The map provides a quick and effective overview of natural resource development within the territory, including updated information on mining claims, forest resource inventories, active fires, and more. Recently, our team began the process of determining the available area in GCT #3, in other words, the lands not occupied by development operations. This information will make a powerful statement on just how much land has been taken from the Nation to industrial pursuits.
You can see it live here, on the Territorial Planning Unit’s page!
Resource Map
Grand Council Treaty #3
Using existing datasets gathered from local industry, as well as territorial, provincial, and municipal governments, CES designed an interactive tool for resource management and allocation within Treaty #3. The map provides a quick and effective overview of natural resource development within the territory, including updated information on mining claims, forest resource inventories, active fires, and more. Recently, our team began the process of determining the available area in GCT #3, in other words, the lands not occupied by development operations. This information will make a powerful statement on just how much land has been taken from the Nation to industrial pursuits.
You can see it live here, on the Territorial Planning Unit’s page!
Land Use Plan
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
Having worked closely with Mitaanjigamiing First Nation over the last decade, it was an honour to support them through the creation of their Land Use Plan. In 2019, we created an initial draft plan for the community that designated parcels of land for different types of use, as determined by community staff and leaders. Since these plans are living documents, they need to be adaptable through changes in the community’s vision and strategic direction. In 2022, MFN called on us to revise their plan in order to incorporate the advancements they have envisioned for their future. It has been extremely rewarding seeing their Land Use Plan come to life, and we love sitting down with the community to map out the best options for their future growth and development.
Land Use Plan
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
Having worked closely with Mitaanjigamiing First Nation over the last decade, it was an honour to support them through the creation of their Land Use Plan. In 2019, we created an initial draft plan for the community that designated parcels of land for different types of use, as determined by community staff and leaders. Since these plans are living documents, they need to be adaptable through changes in the community’s vision and strategic direction. In 2022, MFN called on us to revise their plan in order to incorporate the advancements they have envisioned for their future. It has been extremely rewarding seeing their Land Use Plan come to life, and we love sitting down with the community to map out the best options for their future growth and development.
Land Use Planning
Pays Plat First Nation
The Land Use Planning project we completed with Pays Plat First Nation saw the creation of tools and resources that will help guide important community processes, as well as support future planning and decision-making. By assessing natural resources and valued areas, our team put together an Environmental and Natural Resource Assessment Report that identified potential economic or development opportunities, complete with comprehensive maps delineating these viable areas. As a whole, the project introduced new opportunities and ideas that the community would be able to consider as they navigate the future of their lands and resources, and the vital tools that can bring them to life. We have been privileged to continue fostering our working relationship with PPFN, and are proud to reference these deliverables in our other ongoing initiatives with them.
Land Use Planning
Pays Plat First Nation
The Land Use Planning project we completed with Pays Plat First Nation saw the creation of tools and resources that will help guide important community processes, as well as support future planning and decision-making. By assessing natural resources and valued areas, our team put together an Environmental and Natural Resource Assessment Report that identified potential economic or development opportunities, complete with comprehensive maps delineating these viable areas. As a whole, the project introduced new opportunities and ideas that the community would be able to consider as they navigate the future of their lands and resources, and the vital tools that can bring them to life. We have been privileged to continue fostering our working relationship with PPFN, and are proud to reference these deliverables in our other ongoing initiatives with them.
Customized GPS Training
Nokiiwin Tribal Council
When Nokiiwin Tribal Council connected with us to explore global positioning system (GPS) training, we developed a customized, comprehensive course that instills the knowledge and skills needed to effectively use the technology available to them. CES provided hands-on opportunities for Nokiiwin staff that use the organization’s existing GPS hardware and software, which participants could later use to support their individual positions and promote future growth in their own communities. Our team welcomes the opportunity to create customized courses that are tailored to the specific needs of each group we train.
Customized GPS Training
Nokiiwin Tribal Council
When Nokiiwin Tribal Council connected with us to explore global positioning system (GPS) training, we developed a customized, comprehensive course that instills the knowledge and skills needed to effectively use the technology available to them. CES provided hands-on opportunities for Nokiiwin staff that use the organization’s existing GPS hardware and software, which participants could later use to support their individual positions and promote future growth in their own communities. Our team welcomes the opportunity to create customized courses that are tailored to the specific needs of each group we train.
Community Garden & Greenhouse
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
From accessing funding, to logistics and project management, our team helped Mitaanjigamiing First Nation establish a sustainable food source in their community through the construction of a greenhouse and gardens on their land. The community has been able to experience successful seasonal harvests since the structural work was completed in 2020. We are proud to play another role in the continuation of this project, where our team will help lead the creation of a garden knowledge and food security report.
Community Garden & Greenhouse
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
From accessing funding, to logistics and project management, our team helped Mitaanjigamiing First Nation establish a sustainable food source in their community through the construction of a greenhouse and gardens on their land. The community has been able to experience successful seasonal harvests since the structural work was completed in 2020. We are proud to play another role in the continuation of this project, where our team will help lead the creation of a garden knowledge and food security report.
Land Claim Support
Pays Plat First Nation
Our team is supporting Pays Plat First Nation through their land claim by documenting traditional knowledge shared with us by Elders and providing GIS services to the community. The GIS database we developed presents clearly located community values shared in interviews, accompanied with additional information and attributes. The user-friendly tools produced in this project assisted Pays Plat First Nation in moving forward with their land claim, and our team is now supporting the community through discussions to finalize the transfer.
Land Claim Support
Pays Plat First Nation
Our team is supporting Pays Plat First Nation through their land claim by documenting traditional knowledge shared with us by Elders and providing GIS services to the community. The GIS database we developed presents clearly located community values shared in interviews, accompanied with additional information and attributes. The user-friendly tools produced in this project assisted Pays Plat First Nation in moving forward with their land claim, and our team is now supporting the community through discussions to finalize the transfer.
Customized Network Solution
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
In 2017, we began conversations with Mitaanjigamiing First Nation on the value of a centralized information system to support the community through their busy day-to-day. Throughout the following years, we worked on small-scale projects aimed at digitizing specific department files within the organization, which led to the easier retrieval of information and more effective internal processes for the team.
In 2022, we stepped up our game and tackled a large-scale project for MFN that created an organization-wide digital file management system, in addition to setting up Microsoft 365 for more streamlined communications and everyday processes. While the results of this work can be a little difficult to navigate during mid-transition, they undoubtably bring invaluable benefits to the organization. One of the most notable benefits is the ability to access files from anywhere, at any time, just by having an internet connection. Cloud-based networks also have robust protection measures for important files, they are cost-effective when you consider the fees associated with hardware and infrastructure maintenance, and they protect your files from physical damage. We’re so glad MFN trusted us with this project, and we look forward to taking on more of this vital work in other organizations.
Customized Network Solution
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
In 2017, we began conversations with Mitaanjigamiing First Nation on the value of a centralized information system to support the community through their busy day-to-day. Throughout the following years, we worked on small-scale projects aimed at digitizing specific department files within the organization, which led to the easier retrieval of information and more effective internal processes for the team.
In 2022, we stepped up our game and tackled a large-scale project for MFN that created an organization-wide digital file management system, in addition to setting up Microsoft 365 for more streamlined communications and everyday processes. While the results of this work can be a little difficult to navigate during mid-transition, they undoubtably bring invaluable benefits to the organization. One of the most notable benefits is the ability to access files from anywhere, at any time, just by having an internet connection. Cloud-based networks also have robust protection measures for important files, they are cost-effective when you consider the fees associated with hardware and infrastructure maintenance, and they protect your files from physical damage. We’re so glad MFN trusted us with this project, and we look forward to taking on more of this vital work in other organizations.
Species at Risk Assessment
Lac Seul First Nation
Lac Seul First Nation and our team, in collaboration with Nature Canada, worked together with Elders to identify and document the locations where species at risk have been sighted. The traditional knowledge gathered in this project is helping create necessary protections for the successful recovery of the identified species.
Species at Risk Assessment
Lac Seul First Nation
Lac Seul First Nation and our team, in collaboration with Nature Canada, worked together with Elders to identify and document the locations where species at risk have been sighted. The traditional knowledge gathered in this project is helping create necessary protections for the successful recovery of the identified species.
Food Strategy Portal
Feed Ontario
We worked with Feed Ontario on a comprehensive map and database that helped inform their Northern Food Strategy Framework by identifying areas in need of additional food supports. This tool will help Feed Ontario visualize existing services so they can work towards their goal of eliminating hunger in the North.
Food Strategy Portal
Feed Ontario
We worked with Feed Ontario on a comprehensive map and database that helped inform their Northern Food Strategy Framework by identifying areas in need of additional food supports. This tool will help Feed Ontario visualize existing services so they can work towards their goal of eliminating hunger in the North.
Traditional Land Use Study
Northwest Angle #33 First Nation
CES worked with Northwest Angle #33 First Nation to complete a Traditional Land Use Study that documented the community’s traditional land use and occupancy in response to the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project extending onto traditional lands. We engaged with Elders and knowledge holders to preserve the community’s cultural history, which can support their response to any impacts of the project and mitigation plan.
Traditional Land Use Study
Northwest Angle #33 First Nation
CES worked with Northwest Angle #33 First Nation to complete a Traditional Land Use Study that documented the community’s traditional land use and occupancy in response to the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project extending onto traditional lands. We engaged with Elders and knowledge holders to preserve the community’s cultural history, which can support their response to any impacts of the project and mitigation plan.
Sector Analysis
Ojibways of Onigaming
When Ojibways of Onigamiing developed their Community Strategic Plan, our team assisted them with a Sector Analysis to support informed decision making through an economic lens. By assessing the community’s existing markets and identifying potential opportunities, CES helped lay the foundation for their economic development moving forward.
Sector Analysis
Ojibways of Onigaming
When Ojibways of Onigamiing developed their Community Strategic Plan, our team assisted them with a Sector Analysis to support informed decision making through an economic lens. By assessing the community’s existing markets and identifying potential opportunities, CES helped lay the foundation for their economic development moving forward.
Comprehensive Strategic Plan
Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation
We worked in collaboration with Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation to create a Comprehensive Strategic Plan by completing an analysis of their need and gaps. Through extensive community engagement, our team helped identify opportunities for infrastructure and service improvements and equipped the community with data to strengthen future strategic decision making.
Comprehensive Strategic Plan
Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation
We worked in collaboration with Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation to create a Comprehensive Strategic Plan by completing an analysis of their need and gaps. Through extensive community engagement, our team helped identify opportunities for infrastructure and service improvements and equipped the community with data to strengthen future strategic decision making.
Project Highlights
July 16, 2024
Innovations for New Horizons
From imagery and LiDAR, to ground penetrating radar and sonar, the incredible possibilities that mapping technology brings to our work are undeniable, and we are committed to updating our tech so we can continue to provide the best quality services. We’re excited to announce our technology is expanding even further with a new drone: the […]
September 22, 2023
Expanding our Horizons
Since the beginning of CES, our mission has always been to support community development while promoting self-sufficiency, and in our 13 years, it has been such a pleasure to see exactly that. As our client communities have continued to grow and evolve, it was only natural that CES grow and evolve alongside them. I’m thrilled […]
April 27, 2023
Evolving Emergency Services With 911 Mapping
In late 2021, we began partnerships with both Grand Council Treaty #3 (GCT #3) and Nokiiwin Tribal Council to create emergency mapping resources that will support Next Generation 911 (NG911) services in their member communities. As of this spring, we will have kicked off the initiative with 28 of the 31 Ontario communities eligible to […]
November 28, 2022
Community-Driven Land Use Planning
Creating a community-driven land use plan is an important step communities can take towards developing the necessary tools to help guide future decision making regarding their lands and resources. With an established plan in place, community leaders will have a roadmap that guides where and how certain types of developments, such as housing, can occur, […]
August 20, 2021
Couchiching First Nation’s Fibre Feasibility Study
For many Canadians, using the Internet is just another part of our daily lives, whether you’re sending work emails or catching up with friends on Facebook. Unfortunately, this is not a reality for all. The federal department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) found that while 97% of urban households have access to high-speed […]
November 16, 2020
Reflecting on 10 Years of CES
It is crazy to think that a decade has gone by since CES (formerly Northern GIS) was founded. It has taken a lot of hard work, perseverance, and invaluable support from some amazing people to get us to this point. What started as a home-based GIS business, has grown into a company that continually broadens […]
October 16, 2020
Off to New Heights
Like many other businesses, this summer was very different here at CES. Typically we are on the road visiting clients, conducting traditional knowledge interviews, and enjoying the great outdoors in Northwestern Ontario. This summer though, was a time for working on our skills, building our team, and coming up with exciting new projects. Drone surveying […]
August 5, 2020
Using GIS to Support Housing Departments
What do you think of when you hear “GIS”? For us, GIS is this incredibly powerful tool that allows you to visualize your data easily, effectively, and creatively – it gives you the power to interpret your surroundings in different ways, and for different purposes. One of the many ways GIS has proven its value […]
January 29, 2020
Creating a Tool for Health Transformation
Having access to decent health services is crucial for the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. The current healthcare system that delivers these services is not meeting the needs of First Nation communities in Ontario. We had the opportunity to travel to Fort Frances and Winnipeg to learn about some of the major issues first […]